Best Virtual Desktop Alternatives in 2024
Ten of the best virtual desktop alternatives in 2024, detailed with pros and cons, features, some pricing, use cases and more.
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Databases and the forms generated from them are used daily in many businesses and corporate work. For both organizational and practical reasons, it is increasingly useful to access them alternately online or remotely, as well as directly.
Databases and the forms generated from them are used daily in many businesses and corporate work. For both organizational and practical reasons, it is increasingly useful to access them alternately online or remotely, as well as directly.
A relational database application is generally made up of three layers. These tiers are the data, the interface and the logic.
For over 30 years, management applications have been developed using 4GL (4th Generation Language) software development kits such as PowerBuilder, WinDev, FoxPro, Uniface, Visual Basic or Delphi.
These tools make it possible to generate Windows applications, installing them on each user PC. That application is what communicates with the company’s centralized data bank. That database can be hosted on company premises or online.
The Database Management System (DBMS) could be Oracle, MS-SQL, My-SQL, PHP, .net, SQL Server, SQL Azure... The tasks programmed in these classical environments use SQL queries to view, process and transfer information between the graphical app on the user’s workstation and the database on the server which has as primary function the centralization of company data.
Data could also be kept on an IBM proprietary computer, in which case the graphical application would be an IBM terminal emulator (3250 or 3270).
In a previous article I wrote about the pros and cons of web-enabling apps versus re-writing them for the web. Aside from potential instabilities and the time-consuming aspect of reengineering stable applications, an important point was the risk of ending up with a rather static front-end while most people are now so used to intuitive and fluid interfaces. This can also apply here.
Of course, when you’ve heavily invested in software, it can be difficult to let go of it, not just because it can mean new training investments. The question of migrating a database or changing its front-end can bring up similar issues, still maybe a half-way solution is a better solution in cases where one aspect of the database need not be touched.
With centralized applications, the Data Server can also act as an Application Server. Nevertheless, most businesses prefer to opt for a “client-server” architecture. Indeed, that enables them to share the load by using the local memory and power for all the “front-end” data treatment, leaving the central server to only handle the back-office tasks. In this configuration, each PC generates a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to enable the data to be processes according to each user’s requirements.
This “client-server” structure is the most commonly used method for business administration applications (payroll, accounting, stocks, billing…) but its limitations are beginning to show. Indeed, the client part being by definition Windows based, it cannot be installed on Android tablets or smartphones. Moreover, it forces companies to accordingly manage the PC parks they deploy, with individual updates of each workstation for every new version of the client-side software installed on each PC.
Remote work and mobility are becoming a widely accepted expectation in more and more businesses as well as among employees. Meanwhile, solutions such as Microsoft RDS and Citrix remain complex and costly. They are reserved for large corporations since SMBs seldom have the means to implement them.
The TSplus Remote Access solution in its Web Access form is ideal to enable all businesses, whatever their size, to address this issue. Indeed, by installing TSplus Remote Access on the one master PC or server where the database front-end client is hosted, you have, in a few minutes, an operational architecture. The advantage is that the way the existing applications are used goes unchanged. The addition of TSplus software leaves it intact, but for the fact you will from then on be able to access your business database online, whether locally or remotely.
TSplus Remote Access an amazing way to automatically turn your current field proven IT infrastructure into the most easy to use Web portal-based remote access solution. For your remote staff and users and so you can increase work from home, it is the one truly simple, easily installed and reasonably priced solution.
One thing you’ll be interested to know is that TSplus can improve the performance of your Accounting or Retail Access database by making it over ten times faster. Indeed, as the number of users and the size of the file increases, the flat-file structure of the Access database means accessing it directly and manipulating the data will take longer and longer. This slowdown in use of the application is unfortunately not linear but rather, the effect compounds, especially when the file reaches 100MB and more in size.
This is where TSplus Remote Access shines. By turning the host where the Access database is stored, in-house tests on a datafile of 1GB have returned spectacular speed improvements. With a conventional set-up with the data on the server and the accounting application running on the user workstation, a particular report was processed in 8 minutes. Whereas, with the same datafile stored on a Remote Access server, the process was reduced to only about 40 seconds.
One final perk that is worth noting is file integrity. Clients came to us with problems concerning corrupt data. After switching over to TSplus technology, the performance was not only significantly improved but the database also showed no more signs of corruption issues. So be it for stability or speed, TSplus is at hand and the team is available for advice and help.
To find out more about TSplus Remote Access and our other software, visit our website and download a 15-day trial of any TSplus product .
Simple, Robust and Affordable Remote Access Solutions for IT professionals.
The Ultimate Toolbox to better Serve your Microsoft RDS Clients.