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We’re excited to release the latest version of our secure digital workspace. It brings new features and enhancements in many areas. Here is a quick recap of TSplus Remote Access and a short description of its architecture before diving into a variety of its new features.

What is Remote Access Software?

For those who are discovering TSplus Remote Access, let me give a quick presentation. TSplus Remote Access is what Gartner would call a “unified Workspace Solution”. TSplus makes applications, remote applications, legacy applications, desktops, CDI’s, file shares, etc. available through a web browser. All this in a very easy and secure way.

How Remote Access Works

Now, for a quick look at the architecture, which really does explain a lot. End users log in through their browser and get remote access to their applications, desktop and files.

TSplus Remote Access itself is like a virtual appliance. A virtual appliance that would typically be installed in a data center, within a private or a public network where your application servers reside. The simplest way to explain how TSplus Remote Access works is to compare it to a gateway.

TSplus Remote Access is a gateway that you put in front of your existing back-end environment. The fact it works with what you have in place today means that it can often be deployed without significant infrastructure upgrades.

TSplus Remote Access uses standard communication protocols and common management concepts: RDP, HTTP/HTTPS, LDAP, Active Directory… The beauty of that is your existing back-end environment can remain unchanged, no need for new investments. It also means that adding the TSplus Remote Access component is a very quick and easy thing to do. As a matter of fact, a lot of businesses do this in only a few hours.

Uses for Remote Access

What are customers doing with TSplus Remote Access, you ask? Well, the use-cases are vast. Work from home, work from anywhere, but also, secure “Bring Your Own Device” and, by extension, secure contractor access. Also, customers use it to replace, for example, their Citrix environment, saving money on their IT budgets (See our TSplus vs Citrix article). Or they replace their insecure VPN environments. POS terminal replacement is another common use for Remote Access.

Why are customers doing this? Rather than a marketing pitch, why not look at results from a recent survey of our customers. The question was simple: “Why are you using TSplus Remote Access?”. In return, the answers were quite thankfully eloquent enough.

  • Firstly, because it is a simple solution. It’s easy to use. It’s easy to manage. We get very few support calls.
  • Secondly, because it adds security and best practices compliance. Also, because of all the built-in features.
  • Thirdly, because of the good CTO. Cost of Ownership is not just about license prices even though -admittedly- TSplus Remote Access is fairly interesting compared to alternative solutions. More important is the fact it is an opportunity to reduce costs in support and infrastructure, and in “Bring Your Own Device”.
  • Finally, because of the technology fit. As mentioned, TSplus Remote Access does not require you to build a new environment. TSplus Remote Access works with your existing set-up, a very strong argument when return on investment can vary and time to value is very short.

Work from home, work from anywhere, work from any device

Remote working has never been more popular than today. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses have been resorting to less optimized, less secure solutions to solve their immediate work from home/remote work requirement. We see use-cases that do VPN on unmanaged devices, open RDP on unmanaged devices, or even pure capacity extension of VPN, etc. There are more secure and productive ways of doing things.

With TSplus Remote Access, you have a secure and efficient solution to work from home, work from anywhere, work from any device, without the need for a VPN. You might say “but you never needed VPN with TSplus Remote Access” and you’d be right. In other words: you do not need a technology from the 90s to use TSplus Remote Access. To make it even more explicit, we can mention zero-trust grade security, because, in essence, once teamed with TSplus Advance Security that’s what TSplus Remote Access brings.

As a secure, affordable remote work and control solution, TSplus Remote Access has much to offer. To learn more about our products, visit our website and download a 15-day trial of any TSplus product.

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