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If you run any number of servers, no doubt you would like to prevent any of the following: lagging applications, unexpected downtime, memory leaks, dependencies, server crashes, etc. Such issues are a network manager’s regular concern and much time and attention will go into resolving any of them daily. Yet, are you willing for this service to be delegated outside your company? What of your data being monitored by a third party? Not all lines of work and sectors have this option. TSplus Server Monitoring is a self-hosted yet mightily simple solution.

Core Items to Monitor in Remote Servers

How do you know how much memory is utilised at any given point in time on your network of servers and websites? What do you use to see how your storage or user presence evolves throughout a day or a week? Can you monitor CPU-use and identify peak and off peak trends? Monitoring software is perhaps less prolific than certain other products but there is still a wide panel of options. Moreover, it is certainly no less important.

Remote Server Monitoring Software Built With Users in Mind

Short of tailoring some of the DIY tools available, which means having the skill and time to do so, you may happily opt for software that is ready to use. It is likely to imply choosing to do without particular aspects you did not want to leave off your shopping list. TSplus software is designed and improved with thought and care. This is visible in the fact that over time, our products evolve influenced by customer and user feedback. Therefore we are confident to have struck a good balance of essentials.

Simplicity, Affordability and Security for Remote Server Monitoring

TSplus Server Monitoring is a greatly simple tool with basic features meant for server and website monitoring without fuss. Budgets being tight and security issues rife, these two concerns watermark this piece of software more than ever. Indeed, it is affordable and very easy to implement, needing no training to set-up.

Additionally, Server Monitoring is self-hosted. The monitoring console goes on the server of your choice. Then, you install a small agent on each of your servers to be monitored. All your metrics remain yours and yours alone, with the historical data saved where you chose. A perk that leaves you free to host on-premises or in the cloud according to your requirements and possibilities.

Stand-Alone or Integrated Remote Server Monitoring Software

Should you already have such tools as remote work software or support and screen sharing software, why not consider adding our monitoring features to your toolkit. Though they are built to interact seamlessly with each other, each TSplus product is also available as separate product. One of our aims it to give as many businesses as possible the ability to benefit from such software as Server Monitoring, without breaking the bank or wasting time. now more than ever, this seems important for SMBs or corporations alike.

All Monitored Servers and Websites Remotely Visible on a Simple Home Tab

Every server you add will be visible on the Home tab and you can see further detail in other tabs according to where you navigate. Infrastructure grows with a business. From the space needed to the devices, tools (whether software or hardware), and from staffing to organisation, there is a lot to consider. Thankfully, TSplus Server Monitoring is easily scalable as long as the server from which you are monitoring has sufficient RAM.

Also, bear in mind that gradually, the historical data will amount to a lot. If only since monitoring is in real-time and all the more if you have many servers and websites to monitor. So you may also want to have specific space allocated to the SQL database. Our support team are on hand for such questions and can guide you along the way.

Key Feature: Straight-forward Management of Monitored Servers

To add and delete servers is as simple as clicking + to add and x to remove. Related to this and to give you an idea of what our Store has to offer, Essentials Edition will monitor 1 server , Startup: 5 servers, and Business: 10. Above 10 servers, you will need to be in touch with our Support team for them to carry out the necessary customisation.

As you see, it is easy to grow and change your network as your business evolves. Nevertheless, it remains highly important to remember that deleting a server will in parallel delete any related data. Therefore, should you need to retain the historical data related to the server you are about to remove, do make sure you save a copy of it elsewhere. You can choose to either save it in the shape of reports or as it stands in your database, or why not both.

Adding and Modifying Monitored Servers in a Click

Adding a server involves entering the server URL and port number. In the edit window, you can also change the server “Alias” to differentiate machines. Finally, you can enter a host name and IP address, for remote control. This window opens when you click on the pen-on-paper icon of a server (or website). The Server Monitoring Quick-start guide and documentation are full of information if you need to know more about Server Management in the TSplus console or for any other technical aspect.

Conclusion on Remote Server Monitoring Service or Self-Hosted Software

For server performance tracking, TSplus Server Monitoring provides no frills, but an efficient and simple toolset. It enables you to ensure applications have enough memory to run and their users can connect without experiencing delays. Developed to do the job, it works easily and without fuss. It keeps you and your colleagues informed. Do you want to host Server Monitoring for your own network? Or maybe you are considering becoming an MSP? Either way, our products can be purchase individually or you can build a complete suite for your company or in order to provide services to other businesses.

By trying it for 15 days for free, come and check why we believe ours is the best value-for-money remote server monitoring software. You will see we don’t even ask you for your credit card to download the fully featured trial version . Indeed, we expect you to find it so ergonomic and useful as to buy it.

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