"Best Virtual Desktop Alternatives in 2024"
Ten of the best virtual desktop alternatives in 2024, detailed with pros and cons, features, some pricing, use cases and more.
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Cyber criminality is a fast-changing world, and attack techniques are increasingly sophisticated. Businesses need to acquire deep learning techniques to be able to prevent harmful attacks, and to monitor and remediate security breaches. Hence, how to secure remote desktop: Cybersecurity software is the fundamental protection every remote server admin needs. Without it, RDP protocol is an open gate to hackers. TSplus Advanced Security activates up to seven measures to block hackers and shield your Windows workstations and your Windows servers.
Cyber criminality is a fast-changing world, and attack techniques are increasingly sophisticated. Businesses need to acquire deep learning techniques to be able to prevent harmful attacks. This will help to monitor and remediate security breaches.
Cybersecurity software is the fundamental protection every remote server admin needs. Without it, RDP protocol is an open gate to hackers. It is therefore well worth knowing how to secure Remote Desktop and keep your network and data safe.
TSplus Advanced Security activates up to seven measures to block hackers and shield your Windows workstations and your Windows servers.
If you use Microsoft Remote Desktop Services to allow your employees to work from home, read on. Indeed, reducing your attack surface will increase your peace of mind. One great way to do this is with TSplus Advanced Security’s powerful cybersecurity features.
As more workers than ever operate from home, a surge of attacks targeting Remote Desktop Protocol rose during the Covid pandemic and has persisted since. Thus, to combat this increasing number of threats, TSplus Advanced Security has been enhanced to provide the most efficient protection available.
Because Remote Desktop solutions give the ability to remotely access Windows servers or workstations, this protocol is widely used in organizations today. Numerous businesses had to shift to remote work to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, making RDP a popular target for cyber-criminals. Consequently, attacks on RDP began to skyrocket in the spring of 2020, when more and more organizations closed their doors under lockdowns worldwide. Cyber-criminals quickly took notice. Two Covid years on, the war in Ukraine, China tensions and more have fed a trend that shows no signs of abating.
Using country-based allow lists, TSplus Homeland Protection lets administrators quickly and easily restrict incoming connections only to the countries necessary for your business operations. So, if your users are in Canada, the US or the UK, it may not make sense to allow connections from Russia or China.
TSplus Brute Force Defender stops brute force attacks quickly. Thus, your server will no longer have to process thousands of failed login attempts. Hence, using a combination of allow lists and limits on failed login attempts, it simply rejects brute force attacks before they become a problem.
It is also possible to easily shield your RDP (Remote Desktop) accesses from hackers. Our software can protect your Windows PC or your Windows server using our list of 368 million known hackers IP addresses. With this list of known hackers, TSplus Advanced Security automatically blocks hacker attacks. This is the shield every Windows system must have.
TSplus Advanced Security has all its tools in one ergonomically designed console, meaning that all hacker IPs detected by Homeland and Brute Force are centralized and other tools are quickly accessed too. So, you can easily check, edit, add or remove them at your convenience. Finally, IP address lists are searchable, making address management easy.
Ransomware attacks are still a very serious threat. “Ransomware is one of the top threats in cybersecurity,” said John Davis, vice president of public sector at Palo Alto Networks.
Ransomware remains an effective tool for cyber criminals because many organizations are still ill-equipped to deal with the threat. Need for information and training leaves many victims to succumb to extortion demands and pay a Bitcoin ransom in the hope of receiving the decryption key needed to restore their network.
Due to this lack of proper protection and awareness, Ransomware shows no sign of slowing down. Indeed, the average ransom paid to cyber criminals by organizations targeted by these attacks has nearly tripled in the last year. ZDnet.com states that this increase was about 171% between 2019 and 2020, affecting many businesses across Europe and North America.
Since phishing emails are still a popular way for cyber criminals to infiltrate networks, here is another issue. Experts suggest that workers be trained to recognize threats, suggesting this will make a big difference. Also, with the right cybersecurity program, organizations can be sure to keep their data safe.
TSplus Advanced Security has been enhanced to provide the most advanced anti-ransomware defense available. The aim is to combat the increasing number of attacks, as well as efficiently face the changing nature of existing ransomware.
The feature’s engine has been enhanced with more than 3,500 added static detection rules, making it an impenetrable wall to ransomware. It does not matter the threat's nature or operational mode. The behavioral detection has also been improved dramatically to ensure that legitimate applications remain allowed for all users. Lastly, a more efficient driver implementation guarantees a recovery session can always be opened in the event of a system crash!
TSplus knows that customers expect the best protection out there. Commitment to development is what keeps TSplus Advanced Security ahead of threats. Indeed, we are not satisfied with just keeping up.
Some of the most common attacks against RDP remain brute-force attacks. That is why ZDnet.com also recommends that remote desktop services be protected with strong passwords and multi-factor authentication. Another recommendation is to keep up with security fixes to prevent attackers from exploiting known vulnerabilities.
All these features and more are included in TSplus Advanced Security latest version. And you may be glad to know the same goes for others software from the TSplus range.
TSplus Advanced Security is a unique standalone tool, offering up to seven powerful security features to make sure servers, data and users stay protected by using TSplus. No other tool on the market offers this level of protection for this specific connection type.
From access restriction rules by device, time and geographical location to a powerful defense against brute-force and Ransomware attacks, TSplus Advanced Security keeps remote sessions as safe as possible for everyone.
Facing the countless cyberattacks performed via Remote Desktop connections, it is necessary that RDS administrators equip themselves with the best possible security tools. TSplus Advanced Security is the most comprehensive solution available out there.
Firewalls no longer need introducing. PCs could not do without.
TSplus has the essential string to the companion tool’s bow in the shape of its own built-in firewall! To enable it, administrators need to go to the “Advanced settings” tab of the AdminTool and set “Use Windows Firewall” to “No” in “Product Settings”. This will automatically activate Advanced Security’s firewall!
Accessing business applications can be cumbersome and risky where mobile first, third-party stakeholders, and lateral movement attacks are the norm. Note that time-based permissions policies are proven to enhance network security, as they are an efficient way to provide limited access to applications and give IT administrators more precise control over their networks.
First you set all the right people who will be allowed to connect to the organization network, then the question becomes: “When should the users have access?”. To ensure employees work only during a stipulated amount of time entails controlling their access to their Remote Desktop.
That is why Advanced Security focuses on increasing the efficiency of its essential “Working Hours” restriction feature. With this protection, Administrators have the power to control Remote Desktop connections and usage over time to prevent abuse and suspicious behaviors.
For instance, different time frames can be assigned for each user according to tasks, responsibilities and rosters. Thanks to TSplus Advanced Security, an automatic outright ban is simply applied on any other time span than those set by administrator.
This means that the feature can now be configured to limit or promote user access in two ways:
- Prevents sessions opening outside of defined working times.
- Forces automatic disconnection when the defined working time comes to an end.
The warning message is fully customizable, as well as the delay before disconnection.
Setting the parameters of this feature is easy from the comprehensive and intuitive dashboard. Working Hours restrictions can be configured to respect every user’s or group’s assigned hours, according to their local time zone.
It has been noted many times that employees extend their working hours, either to finish their workload or to be entitled to overtime bonuses and other such possibilities. This can be problematic for three main reasons:
Gladly, every action taken by Working Hours Restriction is recorded in the Security Event Log, so any discrepancies are tracked, be they staff who are not following guidelines or outside attempts to connect without authorisation.
At TSplus, security has long been the top priority. RDP can be a secure protocol, but that depends on whether it is properly deployed, secured and used. From this statement, TSplus has developed a complete suite of solutions and features allowing administrators to easily secure Internet-facing servers.
As threats change and grow, TSplus’ security experts perform exhaustive research to stay in front of today’s security threats and to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow. That’s why they developed Advanced Security, an advanced, powerful and user-friendly security tool for RDS server administrators, offering multiple features to keep the remote workplace safe for users.
Recognizing today’s cybersecurity concerns, the Ransomware Protection feature has been recently added to Advanced Security. It is the most efficient way to detect and immediately stop ransomware attacks on RDP, and it works on all Windows systems (Workstation and Servers).
The best security requires the best tools. TSplus Advanced Security, providing 360-degree protection of RDS servers and Remote Desktop sessions, makes security policy management and implementation simple. It is the best gatekeeper for Remote Access servers.
Browse our website for further details. Try or buy TSplus Advanced Security.
Simple, Robust and Affordable Remote Access Solutions for IT professionals.
The Ultimate Toolbox to better Serve your Microsoft RDS Clients.