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The rally consists of 8 stages, including a challenging 48-hour marathon in complete autonomy. Open to 4x4s, SSVs, quads, and motorcycles, the rally focuses on navigation and strategy rather than speed. The event's godfather, Sébastien Loeb, a rally legend, embodies the spirit of adventure and solidarity that defines the Trophée Roses des Sables.

About Colibris des Sables: Women on a Mission

Colibris des Sables, composed of Alexandra Gonzalez Rey (pilot) and Pauline Leguilloux (co-pilot), is a passionate and determined duo united by a lifelong friendship. This adventure symbolizes their commitment to surpassing their limits, sharing their values of solidarity, and supporting causes dear to their hearts, including the fight against autoimmune diseases and breast cancer.

"We see the Trophée Roses des Sables as more than a rally; it’s a journey of courage and solidarity. We aim to prove that together, anything is possible,” says Alexandra Gonzalez Rey.

Supporting Humanitarian and Environmental Causes

The Trophée Roses des Sables is not just a rally; it is a solidarity-based, eco-friendly adventure that empowers women, pushing them beyond their limits while supporting vital humanitarian causes. Key associations involved include Enfants du Désert, which provides education and resources for children in Morocco, Ruban Rose, which raises awareness about breast cancer, and the Club des Petits Déjeuners, which ensures nutritious meals for children. The rally also emphasizes eco-friendly actions like waste collection and CO2 emission compensation.

TSplus is Proud to Support Colibris des Sables!

TSplus is honored to be part of this inspiring event, which aligns with our values of empowerment, community support, and sustainable action. By sponsoring the Colibris des Sables team, we are joining a renowned rally that not only celebrates female strength and determination but also drives important humanitarian and environmental initiatives.

As part of our commitment, TSplus will ensure broad communication and coverage of the rally across our platforms, enhancing our brand visibility while showcasing our shared values of resilience, innovation, and community engagement.

Follow Colibris des Sables in their Adventure

We invite everyone to follow the incredible journey of Alexandra and Pauline on their Instagram (@colibris_des_sables) and stay tuned to TSplus for updates before, during, and after the rally. For more information about the event and to explore partnership opportunities, visit

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