Hybrid offices have become one of the most common compromises for companies planning for the future. A few days in the office, mixed with a few days working from home.
The TSplus team is doing it. Your clients are, too. It’s a recipe for confusion without the proper tools.
TSplus Remote Work is the answer. Remote Work is a simple, self-contained toolset that gives users direct access to their office PC from anywhere.
Here are just a few of the features that make Remote Work the best choice for your hybrid office clients:
- A simple Web Portal connection – Login from anywhere and get easy Remote Desktop access to the console session of your office PC.
- Easy configuration – The Remote Work admin tool is fast to install and easy to configure. No Windows roles to install. Remote Work keeps management simple.
- A great cost saver – Minimize training and software licensing costs by giving your clients easy and direct access to the environment they know best – their own office PC.
Hybrid offices are here to stay. Help your clients build success by giving them the tools they need at a at a price they like.
To learn more about TSplus Remote Work or to download the 15 day/5 user trial, visit our website.
Caleb Zaharris
Director of Marketing