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With the work landscape evolving, remote work has become the new norm for many organisations. However, along with the convenience and flexibility that remote access offers, there are also increased cybersecurity risks to be addressed. Protecting devices, data, and applications from cyber threats is crucial for both companies and employees.

While various measures can be taken to enhance remote work security, one effective solution remains the implementation of a reliable Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) defender tool. This article will explore the significance of remote access security and highlight how TSplus Advanced Security , a leading solution in this field, can help safeguard remote work environments. So read on since our software trial gives you 15-days free RDP defender tool for remote access security.

The Importance of RDP Defender Tools in Remote Access Security

Remote working introduces new vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks, making it essential for organizations to prioritize cybersecurity. Breaches involving remote work tend to be more costly, with the average cost of a breach increasing significantly. This prevalence of distant working forces companies to find ways to mitigate the consequent risks. Thus, companies need to raise awareness and establish a culture of cybersecurity among their employees.

Making Cybersecurity a Company-wide Business

Creating a culture of cybersecurity is crucial for remote workers to feel empowered and responsible for maintaining the security of their remote work setups. It is no longer sufficient to rely solely on the IT department for cybersecurity. Organisation leaders should set an example in promoting awareness of threats related to remote working.

Providing continuous training on the issue can help employees know where to start and own the solutions. By fostering a culture where cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, employees are more likely to follow best practice. They will also be better able to promptly report any suspicious activities.

Implementing Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

One step that can enhance remote work security is to ensure that employees have access to a secure network for all company-related tasks. The use of public wireless networks for conducting company work should be prohibited. Some companies opt for a VPN to cater for situations where employees need to work outside their homes. Combined with Transport Layer Security (TLS) this can create a secure network, regardless of the location. Thus, employees can work efficiently while minimizing the risk of data breaches.

Addressing Home Router and Device Password Security

Employees need to be aware of how important it is to change default passwords on their home routers and other devices. Leaving default passwords makes it easier for cyber-criminals to exploit the network, as they are easy to guess. Additionally, requiring employees to password protect all the devices they use for company business is a fundamental security measure.

In the event of a lost or stolen device, strong unsaved passwords and combined security measures can make the difference, preventing hacking. Some organizations make the use of biometric passwords (fingerprints or facial recognition) mandatory.

Immediately reporting the loss of a device to the IT department enables swift action. This ranges from remotely locking the device and wiping it, to changing all possible passwords, thus reducing the risk of data breaches. Regular reminders, workshops and training refreshers can help ensure that employees stay actively involved in maintaining the security of their home networks.

Establishing Remote Work Cybersecurity Policies

Once employees are trained on cybersecurity best practices, it is essential to document these guidelines in a written policy. Each employee should sign it. Reviewing a policy annually during performance evaluations will reinforce its importance. This should keep it fresh in employees' minds, encouraging adherence to security protocols. The policy should also be simple and clear. And it should cover items such as encryption requirements, secure network usage, and any restrictions on the use of personal devices for work purposes.

Implementing Anti-Malware Software to Defend RDP and Remote Access

All devices used for company data, including personal laptops and mobile phones, should have reliable anti-malware software installed. Regular software updates and patching are crucial to ensure protection against the latest threats. Neglecting to update even a single software program significantly increases the risk of cyber-attacks or breaches. Thus, employees should be educated on the importance of keeping their devices up to date with the latest security patches.

Mitigating Phishing Risks for Greater Remote Security

Phishing attacks pose a significant threat to remote workers, as they may be more susceptible to falling for scams when working in relaxed environments. Training employees to recognize and avoid phishing scams, such as not clicking on unknown links or downloading files from unknown sources, can greatly reduce the likelihood of successful attacks. Clear instructions on how to report phishing attempts should also be provided to employees.

Introducing One Solution for secure RDP: TSplus Advanced Security

While implementing the aforementioned security measures is crucial, having a dedicated solution to protect remote access can further enhance security. TSplus Advanced Security is an exceptional tool that provides all-round protection for remote access environments. It offers multiple layers of security, including brute-force attack defence, IP filtering and more.

One key feature is that you can lock devices to users and vice-versa, so that a stolen device can in no way be used to access another account than the appropriate one. It is also easy to add-on two-factor authentication. As an RDP Defender tool, TSplus Advanced Security can effectively detect and prevent unauthorized access attempts , ensuring a secure remote work environment. These features and more make TSplus Advanced Security a robust and dependable protection for RDP and remote infrastructures.

Conclusion on Free RDP Defender Tools for Remote Access Security

As remote work continues to be the standard mode of operation for many organizations, prioritizing cybersecurity in remote environments is of utmost importance. Protecting devices, data, and applications should be a shared responsibility, remember how empowering employees to become their own cybersecurity experts will actively contribute to maintaining a secure remote work environment for your company.

By implementing the recommended security measures, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks. Furthermore, incorporating such a robust solution as TSplus Advanced Security can provide the comprehensive additional layer of protection to ensure secure remote access. To download your 15-day free trial , you can go straight to our website.

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