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Remote desktop has become a common expression even in households where IT is not central. With the increase in distant working, people remotely accessing the office has rocketed. Technical support has no longer got the monopoly on logging into our office workstation or company server. With the right software, user credentials and an internet connection, any of us can work from anywhere. You have come to the right place to read up on how to use remote desktop. TSplus Remote Work is a great simple tool in that field.

What is Remote Desktop?

Remote Desktop is software which enables distant access to a computer device. It exists by extension of remote control software. That is the kind of program used to remotely fix and update a server or PC from afar by controlling another device’s screens, mouse and keyboard. Indeed, with support software such as Remote Support, agents are able to take control of a distant computer, on invitation.

With the right credentials, they receive the authorisation to see the screen and control the keyboard and mouse or the device on which they need to work. Similarly, Remote Work and other distant working programs make it possible for workers to use their office workstation from anywhere. The software runs their device from a distance and displays everything on the screen of the local one.

Thanks to its use of RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) TSplus Remote Work puts at your disposal the content of a distant workstation. Over a secured Internet connection, users can work from any computer, smartphone or other, as though sat in front of their office computer. This means it is a tool to make any office worker mobile. And also, that home-work and business trips can take place seamlessly.

How to Set Up Remote Desktop

From a user's point of view, unseen actions will include the network administrator downloading and installing their chosen software. Where TSplus Remote Work is concerned, this is straightforward. Our developers have worked to build efficient software, starting with its set-up and implementation. To add, edit and remove users or workstations is rapid. What's more, in the Connection Broker, workstations can be assigned to multiple users, such as staff who may work opposite shifts. All administrative actions are centralised in the Admin Console. Once the above is done, it is possible to begin directly, or manage specifics per user.

As I said, to the user, all that is invisible. One aspect can be managed either by administrators or staff depending on company preferences. This is the fact remote access needs the target PC to be on. Important actions are: ensure the workstation is powered on; deactivate Standby or Hibernation modes; turn off monitors.

How to Use Remote Desktop

All in all, users need to tick three boxes: Internet access wherever their home-working or roaming office is scheduled to be; Web-enabled device with their favourite browser; credentials.

If you want the precise how-to guide, here it goes.

  • Step one, open your device and browser.
  • Step two, go to the Web Portal.
  • Step three, log in using your credentials.
  • Step four, carry on wherever you left off when you closed your session at work.

Additional Security For Remote Desktop

Whether you choose TSplus Remote Work or another Remote Desktop management software, it is recommended to add 2FA to strengthen security. I’m glad to say that users more often set strong passwords nowadays than ever. No surprise, with the rise of cyber-crime over the past decade or so. Many websites and companies set minimum requirements for passwords much higher than they used to. But there is still more we can do to rest easier.

Also, depending on your choice as a company, Advanced Security can be added to the array of company software tools. Indeed, why pass up on all-round cyber-security when such a simple, affordable and complete solution is at hand.

Admin Possibilities for Remote Work

Customise the Web Portal and HTML5 Client To reflect company branding. Thus, staff will feel the continuity of their corporate experience as well be swiftly back into their last work item. Everything from logos, text and images to the actual domain name can be tailored to match, for example, the company website.

Other aspects that can be adapted to specific needs of a business are the menu bar and the likes of sound preferences, file transfer, timeout… These items will guide the user experience, just as such parameters as permissions. Permissions reflect the varying access different users are granted to parts of the network, including apps and files, to specific actions, including removing or disabling software or printers, and finally to the system.

How to Use TSplus Remote Work

Amongst its features, TSplus Remote Work includes its Web Portal. Thanks to the self-hosted Web Portal, whether on premises or in the Cloud, users can securely log into their workstations. Additionally, this enables a user to start back where they left off, resuming their work exactly where they stopped, even without saving. Finally, there is Remote Printing. Printing remains a fundamental matter in just about any office. Thankfully, with Universal Printer, it is possible to print securely to local or remote printers or to PDF.

Conclusion on How to Use Remote Desktop

Granted, there are numerous solutions for remotely using office workstations. At TSplus, we developed Remote Work as a short rapid solution to get staff mobile and home-work enabled. It has been designed with affordability, efficiency and security in mind. To implement use of Remote Desktop in a business in little to no time, find out more about TSplus Remote Work features and set-up .

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Ultimate Citrix/RDS alternative for desktop/app access. Secure, cost-effective, on-premise/cloud.

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