Why Doesn't Remote Desktop Work?
This article provides an in-depth look at common problems with remote desktop connections and practical solutions for IT professionals.
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After tasting the costly big-corp solutions for remote working, businesses of any size are now looking at competitors for the long-term.
In the first quarter of 2020, corporate life, and how we look at office staffing, changed – maybe forever.
As businesses scrambled to find remote working solutions, the market leaders raked in the sudden (necessary) bump in everyone's IT budget. Millions of pounds were spent on complex solutions with the goal of getting results NOW, without much concern for long-term viability. After all, the lockdowns were temporary. Afterwards everything would just go back to normal, right?
After 2 years of intermittent staffing challenges, businesses are beginning to recognize the following fact: the "normal" we had is not the "normal" we will have going forward. Especially among skilled workers, the idea of hours-long commutes and office cubicles is no longer widely accepted.
Along with this is the recognition that many of the emergency measures taken in the past 2 years are not practical long-term solutions for many reasons. The big names that offer scalability are quite expensive. They often include numerous functionalities that are not useful to a majority of people. In short, they require you to pay exorbitant fees for things you’ll likely never use. Just to get the minimum functionality your organisation needs.
Enter TSplus - a class leader in scalable, secure remote working solutions designed to be exactly the practical long-term solution companies need. With its combination of flexibility, simple administration, security and business-friendly pricing, TSplus Remote Access was created specifically to deal with this gap in the market.
Remote Access offers levels of service that can appeal to the budget of the smallest 1-man shop, or an established and growing corporation. A combination of scalability, offerings based on feature-sets, and amazing technical support.
TSplus Remote Access was built on the idea that managing a remote infrastructure should not take a dedicated team of geniuses just to get it up and running. Installation is quick and basic configuration requires little advanced technical skill. As things scale up, the complexity and inter-operation with classic Windows server administration keeps operations both robust and as simple as possible.
With built-in security features like lock-out, Remote Access provides the first layer of security. Using tools like TSplus Two Factor Authentication, and TSplus Advanced Security, your administration worries go down and your automated security strength is greatly increased.
Saving the best for last, business-friendly pricing is at the root of all TSplus products. Many of the core staff at TSplus have spent their lives in IT and have seen the budgets needed to operate infrastructures of different sizes. Knowing that it doesn’t have to be this way, the TSplus team often approaches new product discussions from the central question: ‘How can this help small businesses?’. Reach that goal and scale up from there.
Remote Access is the ideal alternative to RDS and Citrix workspace. Secure Remote Working, without breaking the bank. Download the 5-user, 15-day free trial today and see how your own business can benefit from TSplus Remote Access .
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